At the Club Plant Distribution on May 21st, after eligible members have selected their daylily club plants, the remaining daylilies will be auctioned off. Subsequently, the iris that Zora kindly ordered for us, will also be auctioned off. All club members may bid in both auctions. The plant lists and slideshows provided below are the latest that are available. If substantial revisions need to be made to these lists before May 21st, you will be notified.


Revised List (as of March 6)

Revised Slide Presentation (as of March 6)

It's now May 19! Two days ago, Zora received new shipments of club plants that forced her to update the master list. Click here for that list. Then today, just when you'd think that all plants had arrived, Zora received another shipment of plants from Curt Hanson. This led her to provide you with this additional list. Together, these two lists will give you the overview of plants from which you can choose your club plants.

But how about viewing photos of these May 19 additions to our club plants? Please visit the following two slideshows to see them:

Last additions - 2016.html

Very Last Additions - 2016.html

In conclusion, as far as JP can tell, all selections that are listed on the May 19 master list and additional list should have photos in either the March 6 slide presentation or in one of the two slideshows added today! Good luck in your club plant selections..... and, when you see Zora, please thank her for a job well done!



Iris List (as of May 1)

Iris Slideshow (as of May 1)

